
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bye bye, Cali!

Wow- I can't believe it's been so long since I last blogged! Long story short- I ended up starting to feel sick the last day of our vacation, and by the time I got home it was not good. I went to the dr. and it turns out I had a double ear infection, a sinus infection, and a cold! It's safe to say I have never been so miserable in my life. I had to cancel everything last week and pretty much laid on the couch all day every day. It's so good to be back among the living finally!

Anyway- it's time for the final update on our trip to Cali. Friday afternoon, we headed to LA to see some sights. We searched for "Hollywood Sign" on our gps, and it led us up the mountain, through housing developments and wooded areas and finally to this gorgeous vista over looking the city. 

And of course, it led us right to the famous sign. No trip to LA is complete without a touristy-glamour shot by the Hollywood sign, right? 

We found a fellow tourist, a nice British chap, who took our photo for us.

He asked us to return the favor by taking a photo of him in his sweet rental car (a red convertible? totally jealous). Then he offered to let us sit in the buttery leather seats as well and of course, we couldn't resist. 

Then it was on to the WB Studios where we took a tour of this famous movie and television hot spot. It was so fun to see the buildings that have been used in SO many movies and TV shows, as well as the prop warehouse, the set for "Hart of Dixie," and the Ellen Degeneres show set. One of the funnest parts of the tour is getting to see "Central Perk," the famous coffee shop from Friends.  It's the only TV set that has been saved on the WB lot. Our pic was a little blurry, but at least you can see the set!

The next day, we headed to San Diego to go to the zoo. It's such a huge zoo! It was fun to walk around and see all the animals, especially the flamingos. These guys were really loud and obnoxious! 

After the zoo, we went to Old Town San Diego and found a yummy Mexican restaurant to grab dinner at. It was some of the most authentic (and delicious) Mexican food I've ever had!

On Sunday, our final full day, we drove up the coast a bit and went to Balboa Island (and peninsula). 

We took a ferry ride over to the island,

 and rode around on rented bikes to see some of the sights. I think I want to live there. Maybe all the tourists would get annoying, but it's such a beautiful place (and houses start at $1 mil only! wow!).

So that was our trip. It was fun and we made some great memories together! Aside from the fact that I never ever want to set foot on a plane again, I can't wait to do more traveling with my man. So what have you guys been up to?

Friday, February 10, 2012

CA So Far

I love California. It's so beautiful here, and there's just a wealth of things to see and do! I've been on my own for most of this week since Josh is in training all day, so I've been trying to get out and do as much as I can! Thankfully, we were able to get a rental car for the whole week so that makes getting around a whole lot easier!

I went for a lovely 3-mile hike one day on Oso Creek trail. It was really beautiful. It felt so nice to be out in the fresh air soaking up some sunshine!

I've also been frequenting Starbucks... so lovely. My favorite drink right now is the iced tea lemonade! I also finished reading "A Picture of Dorian Gray." Obviously a classic, but I had my doubts while reading it at times. However, I stuck it out and finished it and I'm glad I did. It was very interesting! I probably won't ever read it again though. 

I've also been just driving around and exploring. I drove down to Laguna Beach one day, it's SO beautiful. I love the ocean!

Yay! I'm exploring by myself! Ok, I know it sounds silly, but I'm actually rather proud of myself. I'm a huge people-person, so being alone is like torture for me. But I've actually been kind of enjoying it, surprisingly! 

Yesterday, I went to the Spectrum Mall in Irvine. It was recommended by one of Josh's classmates, who had been there on a previous trip. Um, you guys, this place is girl heaven. It has all of the best shops (Anthro, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, tons of cool specialty shops...) and it was designed with a Spanish influence. There are sparkling fountains, gorgeous hanging lanterns, it's just beautiful. Oh, and they have a ferris wheel and a carousel to boot! 

It was so great I talked Josh into going back there that evening for dinner. Love the fountains...

We ate at Cucina Enoteca, a new upscale California-style Italian place. It was amazing.

The ferris wheel, all lit up at night. 

The view from about 3/4 of the way up- you could see Los Angeles in the distance 30 miles away! 

So- that's what we've been up to so far. Today, Josh is done with training so our real vacation begins! We are heading to L.A. for a studio tour today, and plan to hit up the San Diego zoo tomorrow and then cruise along the coast on Sunday. So far- so good! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blogging from another corner of the country

I still can't get over how crazy it is that you can wake up in the morning in somewhat snowy Minnesota, and then a mere 8 hours later find yourself staring at something like this:

Laguna Beach, California. Josh has a work function out here, so I flew with him for a little vacation from the snow. We're excited to see California, neither of us have ever been here! We plan on fitting as much as we can into our week long stay. So, the blog may be a little silent for a wee bit longer, but hopefully I will come back well-rested and with some fun pictures to share. Hope you all are having a fabulous week!