
Friday, November 15, 2013

Pinecone Wreath

So- I saw a pinecone wreath last year at the tree farm when we were picking out a Christmas tree. I wanted it so badly, but it was a little spendy (like $60, yipes). I have a really, really hard time buying things that I know I could make. The problem is, it often takes me a year to make them!

I think it worked out ok in this case, I made this cute little wreath just in time for the holiday season! I'm so excited about how it turned out. It was really easy to make, just time consuming. I bought a wreath form from the craft store, and several different sizes of pinecones (on sale!) to make this. I used a hot glue gun to attach the largest pinecones first, then the medium sizes ones, and finally the smallest ones to fit in the leftover spaces. You can't really tell from this picture, but I left the back of the wreath form bare. I think it will be easier to hang it that way, and it would have taken so many more pinecones to fill the whole thing!

My Facebook friends had a preview of this wreath, and we were jokingly discussing how silly it is to buy things that literally grow on trees outside. However, I think buying the pinecones was a good idea for 3 reasons:

1) I was able to buy different sizes to make a more sculptural wreath.
2) I knew that there were no unsavory beings (a.k.a. bugs) living inside them that would consequently be abiding in my home.
3) I'm super lazy and lets be honest, it would take forever to forage that many pinecones.

I'm a little embarrassed to show this close up, because you can see that there are obviously a lot of hot glue strands left over! But did you know that you can blast those away with a blowdryer on high heat? It works like magic! They literally disappear before your eyes.

My baby is napping now, which is why the blowdryer thing didn't happen before I posted these photos. ;)

 I love natural looking wreaths! This one will be useful in a lot of settings (I think I can have it out Fall-Winter easily) and it only cost me $16 to make. Yay for saving moolah! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fall Table-Scape

I'm a little late with sharing my Fall-inspired tablescape (isn't that the best word ever?), but it's been so fun to see every day that I just had to share it anyway!

I'm all about simple and cheap decorating, and this was both. The mini pumpkins were less than $5 for all of them, the candle was also less than $5 at Wal-Mart and smells AMAZING, and everything else I already had on hand.

We had a Halloween party at our house this weekend, and this also fit right in with that. So nice and easy!

Speaking of Fall and Halloween- it's been the BEST Fall. We have packed in so much goodness in these short months, and my Autumn-loving heart is happy. We had a get-together for my dad's birthday which culminated in a pumpkin carving party! So fun. 

Evie was a ladybug for Halloween. I had wanted to make her a costume, but then we found this on sale at Jo Anne fabrics and it was just meant to be! 

Then for a Halloween Party at our house, I had fun re-creating the "floating candles" from the Harry Potter movies. These pictures don't do it justice unfortunately, but it was a really fun effect! It took forever to make the candles and hang them from the ceiling, but it was so worth it. If anyone is interested, here's how I did it: bought "faux" lighted tealights (24 pack) from Jo Annes (the batteries are supposed to last 100 hours!), wrapped cardstock around them to create different sized candlesticks, and used hot glue to make "wax drips" on the sides, then hung them from the ceiling using fishing line and white thumbtacks. This is one instance where I was actually thankful for our popcorn ceiling! It hides the tiny thumbtack holes really well. =)

Everyone dressed up for the party, I was so glad! I didn't ask if I could share photos of the other costumes, so I'll just share ours. I was "Little Miss Muffet" and Josh was supposed to be Ron Swanson, but at the last minute he decided to be a Russian soldier. =) Boys. 

How was YOUR Halloween?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My One-Year-Old

I can't believe my sweet baby girl is one year old! She turned one back in September, and it's taken me that long to come to terms with it. =)

I love waking up to her smile and sweet little voice every morning. She doesn't have a huge arsenal of words yet (mostly Mama and Dada), but this girl loves to SING. Go figure. 

She's walking now, albeit still a little wobbly. I love how she walks; like a little sandcrab, scuttling sideways. 

She loves books but only has the patience for them when they are super colorful. Mama's girl. 

Evangeline, you are a gift from God! We are so thankful for you, and love watching you grow and learn.