
About The Author

My name is Mikalah. I am a Child of God and a Follower of Christ. It's the driving factor behind who I am, and who I'm aspiring to be. I love talking about my faith, so you can always feel free to ask me questions!
Secondly, I am married to a fantastic man (over a year and a half now!), Joshua, and he makes me laugh all the time, supports and helps me with my crazy projects, and makes me fall in love with him over and over again.

We don't have kids.... yet. But one of my biggest dreams is to be a Mom!

Besides blogging, music is my main ambition in life. I was a voice major in college, where I learned to love classical music and Opera. Right now, I am planning to attend a graduate school at some point in the near future for further education in Vocal Performance. Right now, I am loving life as a wife, a part-time voice teacher, and a creative. I love being thrifty, crafting, restoring furniture, decorating, cooking, baking, writing, and doing pretty much anything creative. This space is where I recount all my trials and triumphs, and everything in between.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope that you like what you see! Leave me a comment so I know you were here, I love getting to know who YOU are too.