
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh Goodwill... How I Love Thee

Oh, Goodwill. I love thy aisles filled with junk. I love the crackly loudspeakers that the employees use to announce the sales. I love sighting a Banana Republic top from afar and clawing my way through the crowds of elderly women in polyester pantsuits to reach it.

I love paying 4.99 for an Ellen Tracy purse that normally cost over $200. (Sorry for the garbage bin in the background. I refuse to edit those things out though, they are a part of life!).

I love my new sweater with little beaded flowers.

But I think most of all, I LOVE the hand-appliqued picture of chickens that I found. Josh (my dear sweet Hubby) may not agree, but I think it will look great in our kitchen once we paint. Who knew chickens could be so, well, cute? I certainly did not.

The frame definitely needs a little TLC, but I think it will look great over our sink! And nothing says "kitchen" like a bunch of colorful chickens pecking at each other. Nothing.

Now that Christmas is over, and the sky is still turning it's lights out at 5 pm, I think I am going to need a LOT of Goodwill therapy. The next three months will be... interesting. Sometimes I wonder why I still live in Minne(snow)ta!

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