
Friday, February 26, 2010

Couch Love

(image found here)

(image found here)

(image found here)

The great Couch Search of 2010 is now underway. As much as I love our chenille, tufted sofa, it is starting to sag and keeps threatening to swallow us whole. The poor thing is from the 1950s, and it was given to me for free a few years ago. It has definitely seen better days.

I posted pictures of couches I like- they all have sleek, modern lines, deeper seat cushions, and that great, timeless look. I think a couch like this could translate well into many different styles.

So far, I have been stalking Craigslist like a mad-woman, searching online, and praying that one will fall from the sky and land in my living room (without destroying our ceiling, of course!). We are also putting a little away each month towards the couch fund. We really don't have a whole lot of $$ to throw around, so trying to find one that fits out budget will be tough. But with things like Craigslist, you never know what you will come across. So, I will keep checking in hopes that something will turn up!

*Edit- sorry, I am having computer issues and can't seem to get the spacing to work. Can you tell I am not technically proficient???

**Edit again. OK, I fixed the spacing. It was driving me INSANE.

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