
Thursday, February 4, 2010

getting my priorities straight

Image found here.

Do you ever have days when you wish you had...

The subtle, graceful beauty of Audrey Hepburn,

The witty humor of Erma Bombeck,

The sheer creative genius of Martha Stewart (without the prison record),

The ability to genuinely care for and love every person you meet just like (insert name here),

A seemingly spotless house with gracious inhabitants like your next-door-neighbor,

Neat, organized closets where everything is easily found just like your mother's,

A wardrobe to rival Sarah Jessica Parker's (is it just me or is she kind of odd looking? But I still want her shoes),

And......... (insert a million other things here).

I have those days a lot. I see so many examples of amazing women everywhere I look, and I want to be one of them. I pick out their finest characteristics and accomplishments, and whomp myself over the head with them (figuratively speaking).

Most days, I'm lucky if I have time to shave my legs and empty the dishwasher. Yet, I aspire to a checklist of accomplishments and character traits that would have the Queen of England begging for mercy.

Ah yes, I hear some gentle laughs. I think a lot of women struggle with this. We are observant, we are affected by what we see around us, we are constantly trying to measure up to some standard.

But lately, God has been gently nudging me. He's asking me to set aside my checklist and look deeply into His eyes. There, I don't see little white boxes waiting for my pencil mark.

Instead, I see how much He adores me. And I see a little twinkle that makes me realize how outrageous my strivings really are. I will never be perfect, and in fact I probably won't even be close.

I feel Him gently pry away my fingers, and pull the crumpled list from my hands. In it's place He breathes a word. Just one simple word that lands firmly in my soul, and resounds through my body.


Love God, love others, love the life you have been given.

Everything else will fall into place.

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Romans 12:9-12 (NIV)


  1. Oh, I just loved this post! Wonderfully written :)

  2. Thanks Kristi! It's something that's been weighing on my heart a lot, and I know that other women feel the same way!

  3. What a wonderful February post. We love because He first loved us.

  4. Well said! And it was a much needed reminder! I stumbled upon your blog for the first time today and I have to say that it was perfect timing. God is so good at that!

  5. Lovely. This is lovely. God's love is lovely. And you are lovely.

    So glad He reminds us.

  6. Thank you all! It's always a good reminder, one that I need quite often!

  7. Wow, great thoughts girl! Thanks so much for the priorities definitely need to be put back in their proper places.

  8. So nice of you to visit my blog! We are in the process of buying our first home and it's been a whirlwind process! I think I'm finally over the part where I freak out about the amount of work and responsibility it's going to take and I'm to the point where I'm starting to get excited. It helps that all of our friends are so excited for us. It makes me more excited about the projects and the potential the house has. It shouldn't be too long before this is a done deal!
