
Friday, April 16, 2010

Thoughts for a Friday

Do you ever have days when you burst into tears for no apparent reason?

I’ve had a few of those this week. It hasn’t been a “bad” week, per se, but for some reason my emotions just decided to have a little fun. My poor husband probably feels like he’s playing a game of Russian Roulette every time he tries to enter into conversation with me.

Him- “Honey, how are you today?”
Me- “And what do you mean by THAT?!”

Ok. So it’s not really that bad, but you get the point. But this morning, I am feeling like I have a better grip on reality. And I’m realizing how wonderful it is that we don’t have a hormonal God.

We don’t have to be afraid to approach Him, tentatively placing our requests at His feet and wondering if we will get reassurance or just a bop on the head.

We can approach Him, day in and day out, with everything and anything and know that His response will always come out of the pure Holiness of His being. The same God who heard the prayers of King David hears the cries of my fickle heart. And He always responds in love.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
(James 1:17 NIV)


  1. I totally had that sort of an evening last night....:sigh: and you're right, I'm so glad we don't serve a hormonal God!!

  2. You are so right! It is winderful knowing that we do not serve a tempermental God. He is always steady and unchanging.

  3. Amen! I couldn't agree more! He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
