
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Your Iowa Travel Guide

Ok, I have to admit. When I first heard that my next business trip would be to Iowa, I was less than pleased. I figured, if I have to be away from my husband for a week, and over my birthday, it should at least be somewhere warm and farther away, like MIAMI!

Little did I know, Iowa is awesome! My wonderful Iowan friend Ashley left a comment suggesting some fun places to visit, and I thought I would post about them here in case anyone else feels a hankering to check them out!

#1 Des Moines Arts Center

A museum featuring exhibits that span the decades as well as an outdoor sculpture park. This museum looks gigantic, and their collections are extremely diverse so there is something for everyone to admire! If you have kids, what child wouldn’t love to run through a sculpture park like that?

(Photo found Here)

#2 Salisbury House and Gardens

As a self-proclaimed History Geek, I have to admit that this house makes me want to shriek with sheer joy. Not only is the architecture modeled after King’s House in Salisbury, England, but it has been meticulously preserved and has a number of historic collections. Sadly, it’s only open until 5 pm. I’m seriously hoping we get out of training a little early at least one day so I can visit!

(Photo found Here)

#3 Living History Farms

A “living” museum featuring 5 different sites. The sites are connected via walking trails and tractor-carts so people can easily get around. It features the progression of farming techniques and (best of all!) a civil-war era community. Visit their website here for more information.

I find it amazing how much history is right underneath our noses at times. I know that Minneapolis/St. Paul also have a variety of historical sites, but I usually don’t think to visit them because I live there. Now I’m thinking it will be fun to be a “tourist” in my own city, and check out what Minnesota has to offer! How about you? What are some cool places you have discovered in your hometown?


  1. I never knew there were so many awesome things to do in Iowa, thanks! I'll have to check them out someday - I LOVE history and historical sites, love them so much!! Thanks!

  2. Beautiful and I LOVE your new border!!! Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Oooh, sounds fun. We should do some fun touristy things here!

  4. Looks like you'll have a great time! :0) Happy Birthday girlie! Btw that house is to die for!!!

  5. Aww! I'm so glad that I was able to help! It's something I struggled with a lot when we first moved here. It seemed like there was nothing to do, but upon further inspection I discovered there were some hidden treasures. I'm happy to share the knowledge. :)

  6. Yes, there certainly are some hidden treasures! I am wishing I had more time to see them all!

    Thanks Anonymous, it was a bit creepy that you wanted to do touristy things with me until I found out you are my husband. =)
