
Monday, January 24, 2011

Sea-Inspired Mantel

With the freezing weather we've been having here in MN, I have been really inspired lately by the thought of the ocean. Not the arctic-type ocean, but the soothing, warm waves of the Mediterranean.

Seriously, I would give my right pinkie toe in exchange for a vacation to the South of France right about now!

But sadly, that is not going to be happening anytime soon. So instead, I pulled together a beach-inspired "mantel" for the shelf above our couch.

Starting off, I used some twine I had in my craft supplies to wrap around a glass hurricane lamp.

It was really easy to transform the lamp with the twine, I didn't even use glue to hold the twine on there, just tucked in the ends so it can be easily removed when needed. I also found myself wishing I was a master knot-tyer so I could make some fancy design on the glass. Wouldn't that look cool?

I also added another clear vase with some glass filler beads that reminded me of sea glass and a fun round candle.

For the final touch, I attached two mother-of-pearl plates to the wall next to the mirror using double sided mirror-hanging tape. I found the plates at a thrift store for $2 each a few years ago, and have never found the "perfect" spot for them. I'm glad I held on to them though, they ended up being the perfect accoutrement to my sea-themed mantel.

I love how they catch the light, they really have the coolest sheen when the sun hits them.

So, that's how I've been trying to make my way through the first of the "Winter Doldrum" months.

Also- this little fluffball has been a great addition to our lives. Aside from being super cute, she loves to cuddle and is like a personal heater for your lap!


  1. Nice job! I think it looks great - but I will admit my eyes are more drawn to the cute little fluffball on the sofa :)

  2. I love those plates! They remind me of abalone :)

  3. Meri- I've never heard of abalone before, but I looked it up and you are right! It does have the same glimmery-look to it!

  4. I love the plates and the twine wrapped glass is such a nice compliment! good job girl! <3

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  5. Those plates are gorgeous! And I love the twine-wrapped vase. Beautiful! *Almost* makes me think warm thoughts. : )

  6. It looks great! I love how you made it all temporary so it can easily be switched out. And the kitten is just adorable!

  7. Thanks Ladies! megan- yes I love making things temporary so I can easily change them because I get bored SO quickly! =)
