
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My very first Vlog. Please, don't make fun of my dorky self.


  1. I LOVE IT! You sound so sweet! Haha, I love the bit about the bread warts.

  2. Love it! It's not ridiculous to make a blog video. Not to your readers, at least. Maybe to all those weirdos who don't blog. But not to us. And I just looked at your bread again, and feel bad for saying it looked warty. :) I must have been in a trouble-making mood that day!

  3. Christina- Haha! I sound like I have a lisp, that's what I sound like! =)

    Jane- Oh my goodness, please don't even think about apologizing! That comment totally made my day, I laughed so hard when I read it! It DID look warty. =)

  4. I love your Vlog. It's funny that we read each others blogs all the time and have an idea in our heads what that person really looks like and sounds like but we don't until someone posts a Vlog. I think your readers will feel they know you a little bit better now. You did a great job and I'm proud of you! Also, you are just adorable.

  5. Thanks Holly! You are so sweet and encouraging. =) I agree, and that's one of the main reasons I wanted to do this! It's fun to get more of a feel for who someone is through a video!

  6. Mikki-Beebs passed along your blog to me a few weeks ago and I've been creepily reading it secretly with out you knowing it :) I enjoy reading what you've been up to these days and how things are going. I also wanted to tell you that bread has been my thing these days. I have some badass bread recipes I'd love to pass along to you, once you love baking it! Good luck! And for now, I'll keep reading not-so-secretly.

  7. Agh- Lindsay! As in my old college-roommate Lindsay? Omygoodness! So nice to see ya here! Aw, you can creep around here any day. I didn't know you had a blog too! Definitely send some bread recipes my way. I would love to try some new stuff!

  8. Hmm, ok Linds I tried clicking on your link and it wouldn't let me see anything. I will check on FB though and see if you have it listed there. =)

  9. Yeah I had/have a blog. I am horrible at writing on it. But hopefully you can access it to see really old posts, haha. I'll send some good recipes your way soon.

  10. Yah, couldn't see it on FB either. Are you on Twitter?

  11. Yay! I got to hear your voice! You are so cute and funny Mikalah...I want to try a video blog so you all can hear how I sound! Have fun baking smells delicious :)

  12. Not weird at all! Good luck with non-warty bread... it's an art, I've learned... I definitely have my off arty-bread days ;)

  13. OMG JANE SAID THAT!? bahahaha! she IS a trouble maker eh? =) haha luckily we LOVE her!

    You're adorable -- loved being able to pretend i'm actually talking to you face to face for once! I want to make a video so bad but I don't feel like washing my hair. haha

    happy bread making girl!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  14. Kristi- You really should make a vlog! It's fun to "meet" other bloggers and actually hear what they sound like!

    Anna- Thanks! I agree, it is totally an art. You really have to get a feel for the dough!

    Jenn- Yes, she did! I thought it was SO funny though, and so totally true. =) You should make a video too!!! Pretty please. =)
