
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pulling the Colors Together

Coming up with a color scheme is fun. But when it comes to actually picking out items that really go along with the colors you chose, well, that can be a little challenging!

I remember choosing colors for my wedding and nearly ripping my hair out over things like
"That bridesmaids dress is not the right shade of Warm Teal!"

I'm realizing more and more that color is not necessarily a hard and fast rule, but more of a guideline. Also, having colors that are similar shades without being an exact match can actually help bring out more of the color you are going for than if you only had the same exact shade throughout.

(Image from Ideal Home)

Like in the image above, I love how all the different shades of yellow compliment each other and bring out the best in the other colors. What do you think?

I'm hoping that I can recreate that for our bedroom makeover as well. I found some fabric for accent pillows, and I'm super excited to sew them up and see how they look together.

The green fabric will be on 2 square pillows, and the colorful fabric will be on a round pillow with a covered button. I couldn't resist the floral fabric, it was just calling my name! I think so far the yellow fabric will be used on piping and maybe another pillow.

All the fabric came from JoAnnes basic line of home dec fabric. I love their fabric, because it's always $9.99 per yard and you can use your coupons to get up to 50% off! I think I got close to 3 yards for less than $20. Score!

Also- fellow blogger Jane was at JoAnne's as well and noticed that the green fabric from my last post is also there. So, if you liked that fabric too it would be a lot cheaper to just buy the fabric and sew up some slipcovers! Thanks Jane!


  1. I can't wait to see the end result! The fabric is beautiful. Makes me want to go buy some fabric. Not sure what I'd do with it, though. : )

  2. i love the fabric you chose. i just ordered some pillow covers from etsy-i figure by the time i actually do it myself and buy all the goods to DO it plus fabric, i may as well just buy it!

  3. This is too funny, because I actually have that green and white fabric!! My dog has a bed made from it. Clearly we're on the same wavelength with these fabric things :)

    Love how those three fabrics work together.

  4. Cindy- Haha, I know how you feel! Sometimes I want to buy things without knowing what I will do with them too. =) We could have a sewing party!

    Cape on the Corner- So true. Etsy is really affordable, and sometimes it just makes sense to shell out some extra dough and buy them already made! I have NO excuses now for not sewing though. Being home more means I actually have to keep the house clean and be thrifty. =)I don't mind though!

    Jane- Oh my gosh! SO funny! Don't you just love that line of fabric? I love how cheap it is and how fresh and modern the patterns are. Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing it come together.
