
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maxi Dress for Spring

Last week, as I was walking through the mall, I started seeing these long, flowy dresses everywhere. I began to wonder for a moment if we had suddenly experienced a time warp back to the 1970s, but it's for real. The maxi dress is back!

I found one that I LOVED at H&M (at a pretty good price too!), but decided to hold off for a bit. I'm so glad I did, because when we got home I remembered this fabric I had purchased for ridiculously cheap at a JoAnne's store that was closing near us. I bought 8 yards of fabric for $5 total. Yikes! And the sad thing was, it was just sitting in a drawer for months!

Well, no longer. I pulled out a pattern for a knee-length dress and simply adjusted the hemline (it's super easy to do, I just cut the patter in half side to side, and lay the lower half where I want the new hemline to end. Make sense?). And now, I have my very own maxi dress!

Boots- Macy's
Belt- Thrifted
Sweater- Hand-me-down from my sister (the best!)
Dress- Made by Me!

Also- Megan from Polish the Stars featured my little skirt refashion on her blog! It was such a pleasant surprise to see that, thanks Megan! She has a really fun Link Party on Mondays that I love participating in.


  1. SO cute! I found a maxi dress at the mall the other day that I LOVED, but it had no sleeves, no straps, NOTHING, and I knew I couldn't wear it like that . . . now I think I'll make my own! I love how you paired it with the cardigan, too--great outfit!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  2. Rachel- I noticed that too! A lot of the dresses I'm seeing are sleeveless- cute, but not too comfy for wearing a lot. Thanks, I love doing layers with clothing, especially while the weather is still a bit chilly! =)

  3. i cant believe you made that!! i LOVE maxi dresses!! you did a great job :)

  4. I'm going to move in next door and have you make all my clothes? mmk? haha! it is GORGEOUS! I love the fabric you chose!!!!

    Come enter my giveaway! <3 its fabulous I promise! just like YOU!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  5. Drat- they are cute, but I totally can't pull off the maxi skirt/ dress. I swim in them and look ridiculous haha! You look cute!

  6. Looks adorable on you! I can't pull off the long dress thing...I'm too short. It is fantastic look for you though!

    I just love what you're able to make with your sewing machine!

  7. I'm with Jenn - you can make my clothes too :)
    This is amazing!!
