
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fiber Festival

Last Saturday, Josh and I got to go to a "Fiber Festival" that's held here in MN every year. I know the name sounds strange, but that's exactly what it is. It's a chance for all the knitting, crocheting, yarn-spinning people in the area to get together and share their craft!

We watched them shear some sheep (pictured above). Josh's mom, Jody, gave a demonstration on a "Great Wheel." This wheel is 200 years old, and is the same type of wheel that Sleeping Beauty supposedly pricked her finger on!

We also took in some sheep herding. It's pretty amazing to see 1 small dog herd that many sheep into a pen.

Outside, they had a huge "Yurt." Unfortunately, I don't know much else about this thing except that it was really cool.

They had some really great folk music artists there throughout the day.

I think my favorite part of the day was meeting this cute little guy:

His name is Dewey, and he's a French Angora rabbit. Jody (Josh's mom) bought him so she can use his hair for spinning. When he's full grown he will be around 8 pounds, and brushing him once a day will yield a fair amount of angora fibers.

We got to take him home for the evening too! We were so lucky. =) Since Jody had to work at the festival the next day as well we were happy to help out and have him stay for a night. Our cat wasn't so happy though, this is what happened most of the evening:

So that's part of what we did for mother's day weekend! How about you?


  1. what an adorable bunny!
    your cat is too funny!

  2. Dewey is adorable!! Agatha definitely doesn't seem thrilled though. Haha! What a fun event. I had no idea it even existed around here.

  3. Amber- I know! He was SO cute. If we had a bigger house with a real rabbit cage, I would have been tempted to buy one myself.

    Cindy- No, she wasn't thrilled at all! She is rather territorial. Yeah, it is a pretty fun event! You guys should come with us next year!

  4. the cutest thing, that bunny! how funny that the cat is just staring at him.

  5. I attended my first Fiber Event last month and really enjoyed it, fortunately I managed to resist the cute rabbits and llamas. Spinning is one hobby I'm trying to resist...I have enough irons in the fire as it is.

  6. Cape on the corner- Yeah, she stared at him for a couple hours straight. I don't think she knew what to do- attack him or be friends!

    Milah- Haha, me too! I love the whole fiber/spinning thing, but my life is chock-full at the time too. I am so lucky to have a mother-in-law who is an expert at that stuff though, I'm looking forward to learning from her in the years to come!

  7. What a cool festival! I didn't hear about this one, although I suppose I haven't been checking my event emails or anything lately with moving and stuff. It's hard to keep track of stuff once it gets nice out, there is so much!

  8. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he is so cute!!!!!! and so are all the sheepies! =) I want to go!!! <3 or babysit =) haha

  9. Meri- I rarely hear about this kind of stuff, but luckily we have Josh's mom to keep us in the loop! You should go next year, I bet you would like it. Are you going to the Scottish fair?

    Kristi- Yes, it was super fun. I bet your kiddos would love to go to a festival like that, the animals are so fun to see!

    Jenn- I know! Just looking at this picture makes me want to cuddle the livin' daylights out of him.
