
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


One of my goals for this Spring/Summer was to start a small container garden on our porch with some of the herbs that I use a lot in cooking. I love cooking with fresh herbs, and what better way than to cut them fresh from your own porch, right?

So, the hubs and I headed over to our neighborhood Wally-World (Wal Mart) for some supplies. I picked up a new planter, 2 small cilantro plants, and a Rosemary plant. From my many mistakes gardening last year, I learned that it's really important to have a container with good drainage. Otherwise, the soil just keeps holding the water and your plants can start molding from the roots up. Not cool!

My aunt visited me the other day and brought me two beautiful flower plants, so I was able to work those into the containers too! Every garden needs some eye-candy, right? 

So that's what we have so far! As you can see, our porch is needing a little TLC as well, but at least the flowers have started brightening up the space a little! I'm also planning to start growing some Basil, since I can never seem to find good, fresh basil in the grocery store.

Do you have any gardening planned for this Summer?


  1. I potted my herbs-via-Walmart last night. This year's herb goal: to not let my cilantro go to seed before some salsa and other yummies are made. No room for neglect when trying to avoid coriander!

  2. Nice! Hmm, I've never heard of that happening before. Shows how much I know about gardening! Bahaha!

  3. Your herbs look great! Mine are still pretty teeny...maybe they're trying to tell me they'd rather be outside than soaking in sunlight via the patio door. :-)

  4. Nice! My husband was inspired to make a vegetable garden this year, we want to plant cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and basil and some other things for sure, pray that we have a green thumb like you!

  5. Lisa- Thanks! I just planted them yesterday, so sadly I can't really take the credit though. Hm, I bet yours will really take off when they can soak in more sun!

    Kristi- Haha, the idea of me having a green thumb is actually really funny. I'm lucky if I can keep my plants alive through the month of June. So, pray that you have a green thumb (unlike) me! =)

  6. I love that little tin container with the flowers in it. Cute combo! FYI,You can start your basil from seed - and then you'll get tons of plants for almost no investment.

    My strawberries just ripened so I'm stoked about that.

  7. My little vegetable garden is coming along. I have peas, beans, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots which are progressing nicely. I also planted some herbs which are doing ok- some better than others. I think it just needs to stay sunny and warm and things will really pop!

    Hope your herb garden is a success!!

  8. I never knew I'd love gardening so much =) But I do! hooray for container gardens! <3

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  9. Ah, Mikalah, if your thumb is anything like mine (not green!), then you have chosen the absolute best thing to grow! I have found that herbs are soooooooooo easy to grow. I have had an herb garden outside my back door for years...and those babies are quite forgiving!

    (Thanks for your encouragment on my bathroom project! Hope to have pics to share soon.)

  10. Ashley- That is so exciting! I can't wait to actually have some ground to plant a real garden in, but for now this is perfect. =)

    Jenn- Yes, hooray for container gardens! I would be lost without them!

    Cheryl- I'm so glad to hear that! I just don't have a lot of experience gardening, but I really hope these work out. I just want to eat fresh herbs all summer! Yum! P.S. can't wait to see pics of your bathroom remodel!
