
Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's my birthday, and I'll blog if I want to!

So yes, this post is a little later than I usually post, but it's probably because I woke up and had breakfast with my hubby, finished off an Agatha Christie novel, and took a little nap this morning. Why so lazy? I promise that's not my normal morning routine! But today is different because yes, it is my birthday.

Also, I didn't have a chance to write a post yesterday and schedule it (I'm usually only a day ahead with blogging, which is pretty shameful, I know!).

So in honor of birthdays, I just want to talk a little bit about the things I am most thankful for!

Here they are, in a very particular order:

  • My relationship with Jesus Christ. He's constantly working in my heart and helping me to become more like Him. It can be a painful process at times, but I'm so thankful for the peace I have in my heart because of my Savior. 
  • My sweet, wonderful, caring husband. I love him SO much! I never knew it was possible to love another person so much. In fact, sometimes I squish him too hard when I'm hugging him because I just can't help it! =)
  • My family. I was thinking especially of my Dad and Mom, who are so supportive and loving. Last year I was in Iowa on a business trip on my birthday (sad face), and I even got sick on top of that! But my dad called me to wish me a Happy Birthday, and then surprised the socks off me and said he was driving there to spend the evening with me! He drove 4 hours to come spend me birthday with me. Isn't that awesome? I love my Dad!
  • Friends. Where would we be without them? Lately God has been working in my life a lot, and He recently removed some old friendships from my life. Even though it's hard to see people go, there's always something better that God has in store! He's brought some amazing friends into my life that I am just so thankful for. 
  • Being able to quit my job! Since I left my full-time job to pursue a career in music, life has turned into quite an adventure. I've had a few bumps along the way because nothing is ever easy, but at least I know that I'm on the right path! It's so fulfilling to be doing something that I really have a passion for. 
So that, my wonderful friends, is what I'm thankful for! How about you? I'd love to hear what you are thankful for today.


  1. Thanks Kirsti! I sure will. =)

  2. I'm thankful for you because you are so sweet, creative, and encouraging!!! Hope you had an awesome birthday my dear sweet Mikalah!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday, Mikalah. I stumbled upon your blog after seeing you comment on Artista. It's fun to read your thoughts.

  4. Happy Birthday! I'm also thankful for new friendships and of course my family! I have an awesome husband, kids and grandkids. I also have a soon-to-be daughter in law that I love to bits! And I'm thankful that all my family is saved and we'll spend eternity together!!

  5. Happiest of Birthdays! I hope it was a relaxing and wonderful day!

    I am thankful for a wonderfully full life; a life full of love, friendship and more blessings than I deserve!

  6. Happy, Happy (belated) Birthday, Mikalah! LOVE your thankful list...and love your strawberry teacup!
    May the next year of your life be filled with His goodness!
