
Thursday, July 14, 2011


We took SO many pictures of our vacation to Virginia, and I just would love to show you all of them! Unfortunately, blogger won't allow me to upload 500 photos in one post, and some of you live too far away to just pop in for coffee. So, the best option I can think of is to give you a picture-loaded post with a little less verbosity than usual. So here goes!
We packed up our car and drove to Boyce, VA, first. My sister Morna came with us, it was so great to have her along! We visited my Aunt and Uncle from my Dad's side of the family; they live in a beautiful, 100 year old farmhouse! We met some kittens....

Did lots of exploring around the area,

Spent plenty of time chatting and catching up with our dear family in the kitchen (why is the kitchen always the main gathering place? I don't know, but it's so fun),
Climbed a mountain,
Yup, those are my legs after climbing/clambering up 400 feet of rocks. Did I mention the mountain was also called Rattlesnake Ridge? Scary.
My cousin Hannah managed another 400 feet after that, looking adorable the whole time.
I experienced the joy (and sheer terror) of jumping off a rope swing in to the river...
Isn't my little sis gorgeous?
On our last day, we had lunch with a big group of cousins and a stroll around the beautiful city of Georgetown. 
Then, we hopped in the car again and drove 3 more hours to the coast to visit my Aunt and Uncle on my mom's side of the family (are you tracking with me through all the crazy familial relationships? If not, that's ok!). 

We spent the 4th of July swimming in their neighborhood pool (the guys went to the shooting range- of course!), and attempting to have a picnic dinner while watching fireworks on the Chesapeake Bay.

Unfortunately, the weather had other ideas about the fireworks show and it was cancelled. Wah.

Nevertheless, we soldiered on! We ended up drinking tea and playing card games by candlelight instead- the perfect activity for Summer storms if you ask me!
One day, we drove to Colonial Williamsburg and got to ride on a ferry! (Check out my hair in this pic, isn't it awesome???).

Josh and I also had a breakfast date at Waffle House,



We spent a couple of days at the beach, and it was glorious. 

Here we are with my wonderful Uncle and Cousin,
We also got plenty of shopping in and a visit to a cute little tea room with my Auntie.
On our way home, we got to stop and have breakfast near DC at my cousin Abram's place. He was so sweet to make us all breakfast!

We also were invited to a BBQ at the home of one of my best blogging buddies, Jane from The Borrowed Abode. However, that deserves a whole post of it's own! 

What a trip! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family, both here in MN and across the US. I came home feeling rested, rejuvenated, inspired, and joy-filled. Isn't that what vacations are all about? 


  1. I freakin' LOVE your hair in that pic. Epic.

    And now, after seeing your pics, I'm dying to climb Rattlesnake Ridge. So there's one thing we don't have in common. :)

    You guys really made the most of your vacation!

  2. Jane- Thanks! =D I thought so too. That's ok, we can't have everything in common or we would be the same person! I feel like we did make the most of our vacation, it definitely kept us busy!

  3. SO glad your vacation was wonderful!! You guys packed a lot in. The mountain climbing adventure looks pretty awesome. : )

  4. I appreciated the use of the word "verbosity". I actually had to look it up but am thrilled to have another word to use in my own verbosity. Looks like a wonderful vacation. It's always so much fun to visit family!

  5. kitties?! the ocean?! tea? hiking?? waffles?! best ever!! :D

  6. Cindy- Yes, it was jam-packed, but so much fun! The mountain climbing was a challenge for me, but I love being able to say that I did it!

    Courtney- haha, you're welcome! I love finding/using new words in my vocabulary too!

    sarah- Yup, it was the perfect combination of wonderfullness!

  7. Oh my goodness! What a vacay. Looks like you had a great time and it must have been wonderful to see all the family. And waffles? Well, it just wouldn't have been a vacation without the WaffleHouse waffles!

  8. I'm excited for the next post! eee! Looks like you had tons of fun girl!!!! <3 and now you'll have this fun post to look back on and reminiss!
