
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WIAW- Date Night

It was so fun to be on vacation, but SO nice to be back in my own kitchen once we got home. To celebrate our return, Josh and I had an impromptu date night at the Casa de Posy. I made some tomato basil pizza, homemade lemonade, and salad, and we watched a few episodes of "Monk." I'm like seriously addicted to detective/murder mystery shows. Now, Josh is too. 

For fun, I decided to take things up a notch on the lemonade front, and when I was done making the lemonade (recipe HERE), I mixed it with 1/2 sparkling flavored water (I buy the Market Pantry brand from Target, it has 0 calories!). It was delicious, I tell you! Plus, adding the sparkling water cuts down a little on the sugar content, and when it's 92 degrees here I can consume a LOT of lemonade!

My mother always taught me to make well-rounded meals (which usually means a meat, a starch, and a veggie),  so I threw together this salad with lettuce, cucumbers, croutons and balsamic vinaigrette.

Date night was a success. We filled our tummies, Monk solved his case, and my sweet husband loaded the dishwasher. Perfection!


  1. YUM. I love date night. And homemade pizza. And lemonade. Pretty much perfect!

  2. Lemonade sounds amazing right now! I think I might just have to make a batch of that. Welcome home Mikalah!

  3. awww yay for date night AND getting out of doing the dishes! my favorite ;) since I stopped working P stopped cleaning entirely (which ok.. I told him could... but I regret it!) and I haaaaaaaate dishes more than anything! eep!

    Happy WIAW lovely!

  4. you know, I was right in your neck of the woods for most of the weekend...I really should have stopped by for some of that lemonade!

  5. I love vacations but when it comes to food, I'd much rather stick with my usual routine (which is hard when I Can't bring my vitamix on vacation, hahaha)

    Yay for date night! :)
