
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Backsplash Bidness

I'm happy to report that our kitchen is 100% tiled up! This photo was taken early in the process, so now that gorgeous white subway tile wraps around our whole kitchen. I love it more than I have loved any of our other projects.

However, even though the tile is at 100% the grout is at 0%. I had hoped to have some beautiful before and afters to share, but sadly they will have to wait.  

This furry creature kept waking us up last night. When she runs out of food in the middle of the night, she has figured out how to open the bifold doors to the closet where her food is stored, and gnaw through the bag to get her food. She also discovered where her treats are in one of the kitchen cupboards, opened it up and chewed through a bag of treats. They are 7 calories each and I think she consumed about 30 of them. What a little turd.

Last night, I shut the door to the room where her food is so she spent quite some time pawing and scratching at the door until I got out of bed at 3 am to give her more food. She is a spoiled brat.

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  1. oh my gosh, love the classic tiles...and i am highly amused at your method to keep the wires out the of the way.

    your kitty does sound very spoiled and mischevious!

  2. Such a pretty naughty kitty...

    LOVE love love your back splash. And cannot wait to see the finished result! Yay!

  3. Cape on the corner- Haha, yup, it worked really well to keep that annoying phone jack out of the way. Who even uses those things anymore?

    Courtney- Me too! We're hoping to finish it up this weekend...

  4. Thanks for stopping by the blog!
    I love it!

    Your kitty is too cute!

  5. Breanna- You're welcome! I always love meeting new bloggers. =) It's a good thing she's cute, or mischief would be unbearable!
