
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Healthy Choices

I wouldn't really describe this as a "New Year's Resolution" since I've been trying to make healthier eating choices for a few years now, but it does seem like the perfect time of year to renew those decisions.

I made the switch to decaf tea a couple of months ago, and it has made a marked difference in how I feel. I used to have trouble with waking up a lot in the middle of the night, and that has significantly decreased since I stopped consuming caffeine in the evenings. Plus, decaf tea counts as water technically, so I can switch out a couple of glasses of water a day which makes me a happy camper!

My two favorite blends of decaf are Tazo Decaf Chai, and Good Earth Sweet and Spicy blend. Yum!

I've also started including a lot more veggies in my meals. I used to fill up on carbs like pasta and bread, but I've found that helping myself to more vegetables instead helps fill me up without packing on the pounds. One of my go-to lunches lately has been frying up an egg (with a butter substitute, of course) in a slice of green pepper and eating it with arugula. SO good. I haven't decided what to call it yet, for now DELICIOUS will suffice.

How about you? Have you found a "healthier" food choice lately that you love? What about tea- do you have any favorite blends? I'm all ears (or eyes, I guess, in this case...).


  1. I'm all about the caffeine, unfortunately. It doesn't really do anything for me...I can drink a big ol' cup of coffee and be sound asleep 10 minutes later. Weird. Your lunch looks absolutely delicious!! I'm going to have to give that a try.

  2. Oh, you are SO lucky! I wish I could do that. =) Ah well. I do love my morning coffee wake-up session though!

  3. I really love herbal tea, which is usually decaf. My two favorites are Sleepytime (chamomile, spearmint and lemongrass) by Celestial Seasonings and any variety of chamomile. Mmm!

  4. You listed two of my top favorite decaf teas: Tazo Chai and Good Earth. :) I also really like Twinings Lady Grey when I can find it in decaf. It's kind of a lemony, lighter version of Earl Grey. As far as herbal teas go, I really like peppermint tea. Tazo has a Lemon Ginger tea that is amazing as sweet iced tea (I know you're talking hot tea, but, hey, I'm from the south!).

  5. Ashley- Good point! Herbal teas can be so good as well. I love plain mint tea as well!

    Jen- That Lady Grey sounds delicious! I love the sound of lemon ginger too, I will have to see if I can find some of that. Iced tea is SO good. Unfortunately, I am perpetually cold in the winter here so I will have to stick to the warm stuff for now!

  6. Yummy! That egg in the pepper recipe looks super interesting! I would never have thought of something like that. Delicious and soooo wonderfully healthy! I can't say I've found a healthier food choice recently. This is an area I should probably get to working on.

  7. Courtney- I wish I could take all the credit, but I found the green pepper idea from Pinterest! It's so yummy. =)
