
Monday, April 16, 2012

One Baby Step...

This weekend was jam-packed with goodness. I just love weekends like that! Friday night we got to hang out with Nick and Cindy and made grilled pizza for the first time this year! Yummm.

Saturday, we got all gussied up and headed to a beautiful wedding for some friends of ours. Get this: the groom is my brother's best friend, and he met his now-wife through E-harmony, and she happened to be the daughter of my aunt's best friend. Weird, huh? I love how you find random connections with people like that.

This is dorky, but I just have to say that I was super excited to be able to wear this dress. I bought it at Anthropologie in December and wasn't sure if it would fit me with the baby bump. But it did! And I felt great in it! 

Here's a closer pic of the bump:

On Sunday, we went to church and then went to my parent's house for the afternoon. Josh sold his motorcycle (so sad), and we also bought a crib the same day! So that's the "Baby-Step" we took this weekend. =) We now have a car seat, stroller, a few stuffed animals, and a disassembled crib. We are so set for this baby!  

Here's the pic from the Craigslist ad. It's a white sleigh-bed style crib. I love it! It needs some work, definitely a new paint job, but it was $40 and it's solid wood. Score!

The people we bought the crib from lived just a few miles away from my Grandparents, so we stopped by their house for some tea afterwards. They had not seen me since Christmas, so I got to show off the baby bump again. 

We just felt so blessed this weekend and were reminded greatly of God's provision in our lives. How was your weekend?


  1. My weekend was geat too! (except selling the motorcycle)

    1. =( I am missing it already too. We'll just have to get another one when the kids are grown!

  2. I woke up on Saturday morning thinking about that pizza. Sooooo delicious!! I'm glad we finally got to hang out and catch up on life.

    And three cheers for being the proud new owners of a crib!! I love both of your outfits from the weekend. What a fun weekend!!

    1. I'm so glad we got to catch up too! It was so fun to see you guys.

      Thanks! We are excited to put our own personal stamp on it. =)

  3. Oh, I love the crib! what color will you paint it? For our last three babies, I always planned to paint our crib some bright color after the baby was born. First time, I planned for yellow, then I planned on hot pink, and this last time I was really going to do either turquoise or hot pink... So far, it has stayed white. :) I dream big, but can't always deliver. ;)
    And I LOVE your anthro dress!

    1. I have dreams of a bright color too! I thought of all those colors, too funny! Turquoise was my first choice, but hot pink or yellow would be fun too. I'm undecided, I may just be boring and repaint it white too! I like adding in color with textiles. We'll see!

      thanks! I love the dress too- it was a steal, originally almost $200 but I got it for $14! I love it when they have sales like that (although they are extremely rare...)

  4. That sound like the perfect weekend. And you look soooooo cute! (And your hubby looks so proud...oh this is such a fun time!)

  5. Wow, you got so much accomplished and got to visit some dear ones all at the same time!!! I can't wait to see what you do to that are so talented!!!

    This weekend we had a bunch of John's friend's over til about 1 am watching MMA fighting...sort of like boxing...he never gets to have his friends over so it was so fun to see him so happy!!
