
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gender Reveal Party!

Recently, we had our ultrasound to find out whether we are expecting a bean or a beanette! It has been crazy-busy lately with my brother's wedding coming up, so we wanted to have a small gender-reveal party that was simple and fun for everyone involved.

I went to Target and found some adorable favor boxes in the $1 section (I seriously love the dollar section...). Then I bought an assortment of candies and filled 6 boxes with blue/green candies and 6 boxes with red/pink candies. I found some fun, decorative tape to put on the outside of the boxes so that no one could tell what was inside. 

Then, Josh and I went to the ultrasound to find out the news! It was fun to have a moment for just the two of us to learn our baby's gender. I'm not huge on surprises anyway, so I'm glad I had a chance to learn in private (well, with two ultrasound techs that were complete strangers...). Then we hopped in the car and drove to one of our favorite meeting places, a mexican restaurant called Acapulco. 

My sisters Morna and Elsie met us there, as well as my in-laws and my dad. My mom, sadly, was sick with a really high fever and couldn't make it (but we all called her on the phone later).

It was the perfect way to share our fun news and celebrate a little with everyone. Needless to say, we are ecstatic (and still feeling a little numb!). 

I tried uploading the video- but alas, it has decided to not work for me. So, I will just have to tell you. We are going to have a baby GIRL! 

I'm so excited! I would have been just as happy with a boy, but my creative bent obviously runs towards girly stuff so I'm glad I will be able to put all my ideas to good use. And girls are just awesome. I've had a feeling most of the pregnancy that we were going to have a girl, so it's nice to know that my motherly instincts are off to a good start. 

Happy Wednesday to you!


  1. Woo Hoo! How exciting! I of course love having girls, there is something about all the girly fun stuff that makes me happy. Although having a boy is fun too. So happy and excited for you!

  2. Oooh, this is so very exciting!! So happy for you guys. :)

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!! Girls are a wonderful way to start off motherhood!!! Boys are just as much fun, but oh, the bows and dresses and frills and ruffled diaper covers can only be done with girls :)

  4. Can't wait to see all the fun, crafty stuff you cook up for her!

  5. It's a girl!! Wonderful!
    A boy would have been wonderful too...but she has always been a girl and you just didn't know it yet. (I shouldn't comment late at night, because that sounds weird. But what I mean is that she was meant to be! What a joy!)

  6. It's a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm over the moon for you! I wanted my girl first! I wanted to buy hair clips and bows, and ruffled socks!!! I know that she will be a blessing and a joy to you and will be a big helper when other little ones come!!!

  7. how wonderful! I can't wait to see all the girly stuff I'm sure you'll be blogging about :) :)

  8. Mikalah, CONGRATS to you both! I haven't read anything on the blogosphere for a while, and when I opened this up my heart just swelled for you! Much luck and love with your bundle of joy!
