
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Goal Numero Uno: The Porch Project

Now that Summer is finally here in Minnesota, a huge goal of ours was making our porch really "liveable." By liveable, I mean comfy, pretty, and practical. We are trying to make the most of every inch of space in our wee home since we have decided to stay put here for a bit longer.

The first additions to the porch were these two awesome adirondack chairs. We found them at Target for $18 each. They are SO much better than the stackable plastic chairs we had before. 

The next addition was a few pretty potted plants, along with some edible ones. I LOVE growing fresh herbs. The flavor they add to dishes is far superior than anything dried, and even the "fresh" herbs from the supermarket just can't compare. So far I have mini basil, sweet mint, and regular basil. I also have a little tomato plant that I hope will make it through the Summer!

My favorite "plant" is actually this tree. It's a Hibiscus tree with beautiful pink flowers. Unfortunately there were none blooming at the moment I took this picture. 

So, things are coming along quite well so far! I still need to make some outdoor pillows (these are borrowed from the couch) and add a few more fun "accessories" for more color. But so far our goal has been reached, we've been spending as much time out here as possible! We've enjoyed a meal or two, and several Saturday morning coffee's as well. I love reading and playing out here with Evie too. I'm really dreaming of having a big patio/porch with plush outdoor furniture someday, but this will definitely do for now!

So here's our little "list" of things To-Do for the porch:

- Pot plants (flowers and herbs) DONE!
- Buy new chairs for a comfier seating area DONE!
- Make it pretty using accessories I already have
- Sew up some new, outdoor-friendly pillows
- Possibly refinish small table I have to replace the black IKEA table

1 comment:

  1. Your porch is so cute!! I LOVE your yellow pillows!
