
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer House Goals

 *First off, I just have to throw out a big thank-you to you all for the sweet comments on my post yesterday! I appreciate the support and encouragement so very much. As many of you know I'm sure, parenting can be a thankless job, so it's awfully nice to know that I'm not alone! Now, on to the next topic of interest...

Now that it finally feels like life has settled into a "new" normal for us, I am feeling the itch to start some home improvement projects again. It's so different having a little one around, but I still need to make time for the things I love.

Just for fun, I thought I would make a little list of house-oriented goals for the Summer. Who knows if they will be finished or not, but at least it might help me sort my thoughts out! I'm dividing it up room-by-room for a more organized effect!

- Pot plants (flowers and herbs) DONE! Pictures to come. =)
- Buy new chairs for a comfier seating area DONE! See above
- Make it pretty using accessories I already have
- Sew up some new, outdoor-friendly pillows

- Replace sliding door window screen DONE! Josh my handyman hubby rocked this project, it looks great. 
- Finish re-doing an awesome dresser I found on the side of the road (it's going to be a new TV stand)
- Finish painting the trim (this is a project that Josh has taken on, so all I have to do is nag him to finish ;), or maybe just bribe him with cookies)
- Bake cookies to bribe my husband to finish trim
- Possibly switch out the lamps in the living room with the ones in the bedroom
- Sew up some new pillows for the couch and chairs
- Work some decorating magic in there

- Replace old table and chairs DONE! Pictures to come.
- Possibly switch light fixture out for a new one

- Pretty much done, just needs to be cleaned.

- Find a piece of artwork that is large enough to cover our ugly fuse box.
- Fix the section of drywall that I ruined by improper removal of a Command Adhesive hook (um, oops).

BATHROOM (complete remodel this Summer!)
- Replace vanity (we found one at IKEA that we absolutely love)
- Replace flooring
- Retouch walls and repaint
- Get rid of etagere (it has served us well, but it's time for it to go)
- Replace mirror
- New shower curtain + accessories

LAUNDRY ROOM (part of the bathroom remodel)
- Add a couple more shelves for extra storage DONE!(Josh did this a while back)
- Remove unnecessary 2x4 some idiot screwed into the wall DONE! (oops, pardon the language, can you tell I was annoyed by that?)
- Patch wall after removing unnecessary 2x4
- Prime and paint all shelving
- Paint walls
- Put a light fixture in so we can actually see the laundry
- Replace flooring

- Switch out curtains DONE! I replaced them with some white ones I had. I wasn't feeling the old flowery curtains, and I'm still not sure about these ones.
- Make a gallery wall over the crib (I have most of the things, just need to pull it together!)

- Find a piece of artwork for over the bed
- Replace bed frame, possible make a tufted headboard
- Finish hanging art on the walls
- Refinish dressers (this will most likely not be happening this Summer!)

- Prime and paint all shelving
- Paint walls
- Make a drum shade pendant for the light fixture (right now it's just a bare lightbulb)
- Organize and give it a thorough cleaning!

PHEW! Wow, I guess I didn't even realize what a huge list this was. I was thinking it would be really easy to finish it this Summer, but I guess we will have to see.

How about you? What are some of your house-y goals for the Summer?


  1. My list of house-y goals is even longer. I'm doubtful that I'll get much of it done :-(
    Love your ambition! It's motivating!

    1. I bet your list is way longer! It's got to be so much more work having a yard and everything. I have to admit, I didn't realize my list was this long until I wrote it out! Sure hope I can scratch off most of these...
