
Monday, January 6, 2014


I can't make "resolutions"- something about the word itself just turns me off. Maybe because I know that I will just end up breaking them anyway! But the promise of a "New Year" is so uplifting and bright. It helps me get over the fact that the holidays are done (so sad and depressing) and realize that these new days hold so much promise. 

In my heart, I know what my "resolutions" are, even if I choose to call them by a different name.

I've resolved to be more PRESENT in the every day living, not looking back in regret or looking forward in worry, but looking out in the hope that Christ has given me. I love being a wife and mom so very much. I used to have so many goals and ambitions, but they have taken a back seat to this all-important job I now have. Being present in the moment is so very important as the caretaker of our home!

I've resolved to continue simplifying our lives. We've gotten rid of SO MUCH crap (emotional and physical) this year. Think 10 different trips to Goodwill with carloads of stuff to donate. And way less shopping there to bring home more crap. ;)  

Speaking of less shopping, I've resolved to continue this as well. After Evie was born I went a little crazy with clothes shopping, and it's time to get it under control. I've rebuilt my wardrobe, which was very needed, and now it's time to calm down (and stop looking at Pinterest for "inspiration" which always leads to wanting more!). 

I've resolved to continued letting go of my fears, and stepping out in faith when it comes to my career as a musician. I did that quite a few times this past year (and wow, it was hard!), and God has continued to open doors in my career in singing as I step out. I am SO EXCITED to be learning my first full role for an opera! The opera will be debuting in May, so this Winter/Spring will be full with rehearsals. I can hardly wait.

What about you? Do you make New Year's Resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I am currently in the process of decluttering and reworking my wardrobe down to the stuff I actually like and will actually wear. It's a rather freeing process!
