
Thursday, October 14, 2010


Fall is a pretty wondrous time of year. Leaves are turning, and the air is turning cool and crisp. I can pull out all my cozy sweaters and start wearing them again...

When I was growing up, one of the biggest signals of Fall's arrival was my mother. Seriously, before one leaflet fell off the big oak tree in our yard, she was bundling us kiddos up and dragging us to the Apple Orchard. We would fill up our bellies with warm apple cider, apple donuts, and apple turnovers, then take a hayride through the orchard to see the trees dripping with ripe fruit.

During the Fall, my family's home became a shrine to the season. Bright orange, yellow and red accessories vaporized from seemingly nowhere. Leaves, real and fake, graced every available surface of the house. We even had a cornucopia.

The most magnificent smells would waft through the air: pumpkin bread, spiced cider, apple pie, everything signaled the arrival of Fall.

Now that I have my own home to take care of, I can see why my Mom chose Fall as her favorite season. I love pulling out accessories that give off a Fall-ish vibe, and baking yummy things that fill the house with the scent of Fall. I love having family and friends over to sip hot coffee and chat over good food, and visiting the Apple Orchard. Fall reminds me that no matter how hectic life gets, there is always a place to call Home.


  1. Wow, both of those pictures are making me HUNGRY. Delicious. Can't wait for our apple orchard adventure!!! And this post was a good reminder that I need to light my Fall candles more often. They're going to be replaced with Christmas candles far too soon....

  2. garh. I just deleted my comment. I'll be brief this time. I love fall!

  3. Awww yay! I feel so odd having my house decked with spring colors and citrus candles everywhere - but I'm determined to use what I have on hand before splurging on holiday awesomeness. So i'm way jealous -- light a apple cinnamon or pumpkin scented candle for me! =)


  4. I love the changes you made to your blog and I love Fall too! I can't wait to make my famous apple pie!

  5. Miss you Mikalah!! Your pie looks amazing and I am drooling over that pumpkin bread, I am going to have to find a pumpkin now...

  6. Well, I think it's unanimous that we all love Fall! =)

    Yetta- nice to hear from you cous! I miss you too. I need to come visit you in VA sometime... =)
