
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Heart Vintage

I just adore pretty much anything "vintage." I'm sure you can probably tell from the way I write here, but I just had to say it officially. I was born in the wrong century.

The problem is- I can't decide what century it is that I should have been born. Perhaps the roaring twenties? The flapper era seemed so glamorous and fun.

Or maybe the fifties? Many times over I have bemoaned the fact that I can't stay home and cook in the kitchen all day. Don't get me wrong, it's great having rights for women, but sometimes it would be nice to *not* be expected to work 40+ hours a week, keep a house clean, feed my husband, and somehow keep myself looking decent as well.

How about the seventies? Does anyone else look at those ridiculously amazing "Gunne Sax" dresses and just pray for the right opportunity to wear one? Seriously, any decade that combines the pioneer era with platform shoes has got to be amazing.

Just for the record though- any era that I happened to be around for is pretty much struck off the list. The 80's and 90's can keep their hairspray, stirrup pants, onesies (seriously, who wants a shirt that you have to wash as often as your undies? With metal snaps down in the nether regions?!), and florescent colors. I am happy with skipping those decades.

Just to show you that I am really not kidding about this in the slightest, I am including this picture. It's me, dressed as a Bavarian milkmaid. In a field. Next to a Real Haystack. In Germany.

What about you? If you could choose a decade, what would you turn the clock back to?


  1. I love almost anything vintage, probably from the late 50's. Especially farmhouse 50's. You are too adorable in that dress!

  2. Ha! I was going to make a joke about Heidi . . . and then I saw you were admitting that you were dressed in that style (ish). :)

    I love the flapper days, the 50's mid-mod era, the hippie-love-chic of the 60's and 70's. But I recoil in horror at the lack of rights people had . . . so I guess what I'd like is to go back in time to any of those days, just with equal rights for all.

    My fave clothes for work are Kimberly Knit suits and dresses from the 50's and 60's. I'll be doing a post with pics soon enough.

  3. Holly- that sounds fabulous! Famhouse 50's- definitely amazing! And thanks. =)

    Jane- I'm totally with you on that! All those eras are amazing. Also- can't wait to see pics! I love knit suits!

  4. Phew! You're back again! I have to admit, I get a little sad when I check your page and there isn't a new post. lol! Such is life (which always seems to get in the way of our hobbies/fun stuff. boo!)

    That picture is ridiculously cute! Wouldn't it be fun to try different eras on for size here and there? a trip back to the twenties one week and the forties the next... maybe go hang with the dinosaurs for a weekend ;) lol

  5. You made me smile today! I am so with you! However, it is the century not the decade that I would change. I love the 1800's- Little House on the Prairie, Bonanza, Big Valley days.

  6. Jennifer- You are too sweet! Unfortunately life does get in the way a little too much sometimes. =( I wish I could just blog all the day long!

    I'm with you and Suzette though- a time machine trip would be amazing! I wouldn't mind checking out the medieval era as well... =) Although, I suspect it's not as glamorous as I imagine it to be!

  7. I love the new look on the blog! I've been MIA for awhile and it's so cute! I love the button you created for the blogs you adore. It's beautiful. The new font is fantastic too!

    On to the topic at hand, I have always loved the 50's (thus the 3 years I spent wearing a poodle skirt and working at 50's dinner). I love pearls, the women's fashion, the idea of being a homemaker, the colors, the music, and the cars. It has the convenience of modern life but without all the chaos.

    I'd also jump at the chance to live life in the first decade of the 1900's. But only if I could be rich! The Edwardian lifestyle was ridiculously decedent and luxurious. Those houses and dresses are to die for! :)

  8. Thanks Ashley! It's ok, I definitely understand how it is to be MIA... just look at the number of posts I did in Sept... =)

    Thanks for the kind words! You are always so encouraging!

    That's so cool that you worked at a 50s diner! What a fun experience! I'm with you on that decade too, so classy and fun!
