
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Snapshots

(My parent's tree)

(The Guest of Honor)

(In Love)

(Also in Love!)

(Christmas on Ice)

(My sis is a little fashionista!)

(Newly engaged!)

(Getting ready for Christmas pyroghies!)

(Hope your Christmas was wonderful too!)


  1. Where were you that you had snow? I wish we had snow for Christmas! Great pics, you look beautiful as always! Hope you had a great time and enjoyed your family.

  2. Oh lucky you! You had snow! There are some great pics of you and Josh! Looks like a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Ange- We were in Stillwater! My grandparent's thankfully had some snow on their pond still, it was so nice to have a bit of a White Christmas.

    Kristi- It certainly was! I hope yours was fabulous too.

    Ashley- Yes, we had a tiny bit! Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

  4. Fun! I LOVE your parent's tree and all the photos on the ice. So Christmasy!

  5. Courtney- I love their tree too! It turned out so pretty in that photo with the soft lights. =) The photos on ice were fun, we all had a fun time with that!
