
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don't Skirt the Issue...

A while back, I found this adorable houndstooth skirt at ye olde GW.

It was actually close to perfect just the way it was- high waisted, and hit right above the knees. However, I had visions of something even greater in mind... 

 Oh yes, I shortened that puppy! I love the look of a cute cropped skirt with leggings or sweater tights. All the modesty (not to mention comfort) of pants, but with the added pop of some hounds-tooth goodness.

{Sweater: Target, Tank: Gap, Boots: Blowfish (thrifted), Skirt: Vintage Express (thrifted), Tights: Target}

I love the versatility that a good pair of solid color tights or leggings can bring to a wardrobe. Suddenly, a whole new world of (shorter) skirts, and even shorts, is completely attainable! Have you been pulling off this look lately? I would love to hear about it!

*I should add as a side note, that I completely DO NOT condone wearing tights and/or leggings as the sole layer over your booty. I have seen this crime committed by younger girls as well as women in their 50's and it is just not cool. Even if you have the buns to attempt this, please refrain. Either that, or limit your wearage to your local Wal Mart. Thank you. 

Just for funsies... I thought I would share these pictures that I took to test the camera before the real photo shoot. Apparently, this is what Josh thinks I look like when taking outfit photos.... 

(I'm linking this project up to "What's Up Wednesday" over at Sew Woodsy)


  1. I love that skirt, and with the yellow sweater it was awesome...p.s. we need more pics of your husband did you get him to do that???? I think John would've ran away from me!

  2. Kristi- Thanks! I love the skirt too, it's so much fun to wear. Haha, it was definitely not planned that way. He just stepped in front of the camera as I was checking the settings. I think he was a little surprised to find himself on the blog the next day... hehe.
