We are going to take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a bonafide cute-attack inducing post.
I would like to introduce to you Simon, the tiny turtle.

Simon says "hi"

Look how cute I am! Don't you just want to risk getting salmonella and smooch my little head?

But don't be fooled. I'm actually quite fierce. Check out my CLAWS.

What, you don't believe me? Just because I'm the size of a crouton?

*No turtles were harmed in the making of this post. Simon the Turtle is a registered trademark. Don't even think about getting a turtle and naming it Simon. Don't even ponder it.
I would like to introduce to you Simon, the tiny turtle.
Simon says "hi"
Look how cute I am! Don't you just want to risk getting salmonella and smooch my little head?
But don't be fooled. I'm actually quite fierce. Check out my CLAWS.
What, you don't believe me? Just because I'm the size of a crouton?
*No turtles were harmed in the making of this post. Simon the Turtle is a registered trademark. Don't even think about getting a turtle and naming it Simon. Don't even ponder it.