That being said, the truth-teller in me must admit that I squeal like a five year old at the sight of a prettily-wrapped package. And this year, I think some people must have read my mind to find the perfect gifts.
Like these lovelies from my sweet Hubby:

1-year subscriptions to 3 of my favorite magazines. I am already picturing myself in a cutting/pasting frenzy creating my very own inspiration file for decorating purposes. Be still my heart.
Also, my beloved got me this (and very slyly opened it to the page with the delicious cinnamon rolls, hint hint):

All of my well-laid healthy-eating plans just crumbled at the sight of this cookbook. Seriously, I would totally sign up to be a sweaty, chaps-wearing, dirt-smothered ranch hand if I could eat this kind of food every day. Sigh.
My aunt and uncle took me to Paris a while back and we have really fond memories of that vacation together, so for Christmas they got me...

I already tried a couple of things, and let me tell you, I felt like I had been transported back to Paris all over again! My sweet uncle (who is a wine connoisseur, unlike me) also gave me a bottle of Cote Rotie (red wine) to pair with the delicious French food. Isn't that a thoughtful gift?

So, what fun things did you get for Christmas this year? I would love to hear some of your favorites!
Note: I was not compensated in any way for mentioning these products. I just talk about stuff that I like here, and these are things that get a definite stamp of "Me Likey!"