One thing that I absolutely love about being home more is that I can finally keep my house at an acceptable level of cleanliness. It's not perfectly clean all the time, which is fine, but it's much better than it was in the days when Josh and I both worked full-time jobs.
Even with being home more often, I've found that I still have obstacles in the way of keeping the house clean. Namely, time management. I still have a lot of things to get done any given week, and I've been finding that it's difficult to clean the house efficiently. It gets done, but not without a whole lot of "Did I clean the bathroom yesterday, or was that the day before? Should I do laundry now or go grocery shopping? Should I plan lessons or vacuum the living room?"
So finally, in a moment of exasperation, I decided there was only one thing to do. I needed to make a list. Hello, my name is Mikalah, and I'm addicted to making lists. There, I said it.
I drew up a list of the chores that need to get done around the house on a weekly basis. Then, I decided which ones needed to be done on a daily basis, and which ones could be done every other day or so. Once I was happy with the rough-draft, I made a nice, clean copy of it in Excel. Here's a visual aid so you can see exactly what I mean:

Of course, I had to use a cute font and some little vacuum/broom icons.
I made it small enough that I can fit 2 on a sheet of paper, and then I printed them off and cut them in half so I have enough for a few weeks. Now, whenever I do a "chore" I just check it off on my handy-dandy Grownup Chore Chart. I've been using this for a week now and I absolutely love it. It's just so nice to know that I'm "done" with things for the day, and I don't have to stand and worry about whether or not I cleaned the kitchen sink (I have a bad memory, what can I say). I also left a lot of blank spaces so I can adjust as needed.
Has anyone else had issues with getting housework done? Do you have any tips you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them!