Today, I'm sharing a fun little wearable re-fashion that I worked on this week!
I've had this dress for a while now, but it's been hanging out in the back of my closet. I love the fabric, but the cut was just oh-so-NOT flattering.

OK, I know it looks horrible here, so I feel I must post this picture to show that I (sorta) kinda pulled it off. Maybe.

See? Yeah, maybe not.
Well, instead of bemoaning the fact that this cool dress just doesn't fit me well, I decided to make it into a skirt!

Now, for those of you who want the details on how this worked...
(Disclaimer: I wish I had better step-by-step pictures, but sadly the lighting was horrid because I did this at night! Sorry!).
Basically, I just laid the dress flat (making sure to UNZIP the long zipper in the back first, otherwise the zipper would have been cut off and I would not have been able to use it), and cut straight across the dress where I wanted the waistline to be.

I ended up with this left over from the bodice:

This dress was easy because the ties of the dress were right where I wanted the waistline to fall. I then folded down the top and sewed it to where the old waistband was attached to the skirt:

Here is the waistband from the inside, you can see where I sewed it with dark brown thread (only so you can see it better, definitely not because I was too lazy to go out and buy the right color!):

I am lazy when it comes to sewing. That's the truth. But somehow, my projects seem to turn out just fine and generally last as long as I want them to, so who's complaining, right?
As far as the zipper goes, I unzipped it before cutting the dress so it would be usable for the skirt, and then I just folded down the part that I didn't need in the back:

I made an almost invisible little stitch where I wanted the zipper to end (so that it doesn't unzip itself like a train running out of tracks!).

And there you have it. Easy as (eating) pie.

(Take that, Anthropologie!)